sábado, 7 de julio de 2007

I Will

I Will
El tema es una muestra de la versatilidad de Paul y de su gusto por los ritmos caribeños -en este caso el bolero y la trova cubana-.
El tema esta dedicado a Linda y la letra es un hermoso poema de amor:
    Who knows how long I've loved you
    You know I love you still
    Will I wait a lonely life time
    If you want me to I will

Y, en efecto, el tema podria ser otra tonta cancion romantica de no ser porque lo efectivo que resulta ser el acompañamiento musical que -oh paradoja!!- es realmente sencillo y sin complicaciones: dos guitarras españolas, un par de maracas, platos percusionados por Ringo y John golpeteando unos maderos... de facto existe una version -desde mi punto de vista- proto I Will titulada The Way You Look Tonight en donde de manera, casi primitiva de deja esbozar el primer intento de esta pieza -Click here to listen The Way You Look Tonight-
La toma uno de esta cancion muestra que Paul ya tenia claro lo que pretendia, aun cuando el tema suena todavia un poco plano -Click here to listed I Will (Take 1)- sin embargo lo asombroso de todo esto es que el perfecto contrapunteo melodico del bajo que se escucha en la version final no es en realidad un bajo... es Paul quien con la voz haciendo "dum-dum" logra este efecto. Para quien lo dude la toma en la toma 68 se escucha en el canal derecho la voz de Paul haciendolo de bajo -Click here to listen I Will (Take 68)-

I Will... un ejemplo del increible talento de la banda para componer temas miticos con instrumentos tan sencillos y que tan lejanos habian quedado aquellos cercanos dias en que Sgt. Pepper era alquimia salida de un complejo experimento musical en el estudio. Para The Beatles aquellos dias de Revolver ya no regresarian.
I Will

This tune is a sample of the versatility of Paul and his taste for the Caribbean rhythm -in this case the bolero and the Cuban trova. The lirycs is dedicated to Linda and is a beautiful poem:
    Who knows how long I've loved you
    You know I love you still
    Will I wait a lonely life time
    If you want me to I will

And, in effect, the song could be another silly love song but if we listened it with care it isn´t. The music is really simple and without complications: two spanish guitars, a pair of maracas, plates played by Ringo and John beating some pieces of wood. Indeed there exist a curious version called The Way You Look Tonight in where, on almost primitive way , The Beatles let us heard their first attempt of this piece -Click here to listen The Way You Look Tonight-
This track show already what Paul tried, even though the tune sounds still a little flat -Click here to listed I Will [i](Take 1)-
But the amazing thing of all this is that the perfect rhythm of the bass on the final version is not in fact a really bass... is Paul who with his voice doing “dum-dum” obtains this amazing effect. If you don't believe it, on the 68th take we can heard the Paul´s voice making the bass sound effect on the right channel -Click here to listen I Will (Take 6)-

I Will... it's an example of the incredible talent of the band to compose mythical songs with so simple instruments and so distant had been those near days in which the Sgt. Pepper it was a success by a complex alchemy musical experiment in the study . For The Beatles those days of Revolver never come back.

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